Monday, December 31, 2012

Seen Any Good Movies Lately?

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled Matthew 5:6

The other day I went to the movies. As usual there was a series of previews before the movie. And as usual there was a series of previews for movies that push the envelope of unrighteousness. From sex, to murder, to straight out evil (in this case witchcraft and demonic activity), it would seem as if the producers of these movies actually opened the Bible, saw what God says not to do, and then made a movie glorifying it. Over the years there has been a steady diet of these types of movies and TV shows fed to America.  As the years go by, the entertainment industry gets progressively worse and worse. You will occasionally hear someone protest by asking, “Why does Hollywood make such filth?” The unfortunate answer is that we have a taste for this type of “entertainment”. America has developed an appetite for unrighteousness.

Standing in contrast to our culture, Jesus says “ Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.”  People who hunger and thirst for righteousness have a deep desire in them to see God’s perfect standard lived out not only in their lives, but in our world.  Most evangelical Christians would agree that much of what Hollywood produces is a stark rebellion to God’s righteous standard. Although we may know this to be true, we seem to think that it is acceptable for entertainment value.  Romans 1:32 states,  “ Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.” (ESV) Even if we do not practice the things we see in the movies or on TV, watching and paying to watch them is a type of approval. Christians should be aware of what God’s standard calls for in this area.

When I was growing up the wisdom from many of the church’s leaders was that it was wrong to even step into a movie theater or rent a video.  I am not endorsing that viewpoint. There is nothing wrong with watching a movie for entertainment value. However, we a Christians should practice much discernment with what we watch.  Not only for our own personal holiness, but we are showing approval of the content of a movie when we watch it. Each individual Christian should make a decision about what they watch. Do you believe that God hates adultery? Why would you watch a movie or a TV show that glorifies adultery? Finally, imagine the effect it would have on the entertainment industry if everyone who claimed to be a Christian would not watch movies that stand in direct contrast with Christ’s teaching. Not only would it be a witness to them that we believe in Jesus, but that we believe Him. Imagine if by our witness we could change what Hollywood produces.  

Monday, December 24, 2012

Strength Under Control

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5

Jesus declares “blessed are the meek.”  However, Americans do not appear to agree.  Most people see being meek as a weakness instead of an asset. Several years ago, I was watching a baseball game where the camera panned in on someone wearing a t-shirt that read “The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing.” It seems that our culture has not only rejected what God values, but, in the case of meekness, it flat out mocks it. 
Before we discuss what meekness is, it is necessary to discuss what it is not.  Meek is not a synonym for weak or pushover.  Slumped shoulders and spinelessness does not personify meekness. The wimpy kid is just wimpy not meek.   Jesus described Himself as meek, and Jesus was not a wimp. Just ask the money changers in the temple.

So what does meek mean? In actuality meekness is strength, strength under control.  In any study of the word meek, you are likely to see the example of a horse.  When a horse gets “meeked”, its power becomes harnessed and it is under control. We see meekness illustrated in Jesus Himself. The Greek word used for meek in Matthew 5:5, praus, is the same word for gentle used in Matthew 11:29 when Jesus says, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”  Jesus is our all-powerful Lord and master, but He is not harsh or heavy-handed. Instead, He chooses to gently lead us.  Jesus is not a cowboy who drives His cattle by force, but the Good Shepherd who gently leads His Sheep. 

Meekness is lived out in at least two ways in our culture. First, it is lived out is in authority over others. We are to use the strength, power, and authority we have, not to get our way with others, but for their good. Jesus told His disciples He wanted them to serve those they were in authority of over. Any kind of authority was have as Christian leaders, parents, spouses, bosses, etc., is for the good of others, not to use as leverage for ourselves.  Meekness is also lived out when we accept when things do not go our way.  Some people cannot accept it when things do not go their way. They scream, kick and fight until they get what they want. This is the antithesis of being meek.  The meek live out the command to consider others and better than themselves (Phil 2:3) and trust God for His provision. 

You still may not think of being meek as something to be desired, but God does.  God is going to reward the meek by allowing them to reign with Him in His Kingdom. Those who lord their authority over others for their good or fight to get every last thing they want, have their kingdom now. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

When Poor Means Rich

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted”  Matthew 5:3-4

God’s values are not man’s values. What we perceive as a blessing is not always a blessing, and what we perceive as a curse is not always a curse.  Jesus begins His Sermon on the Mount with a section referred to as “The Beatitudes.”  The word “Beatitude” is from Latin origin and means being in a state of supreme happiness or blessing. Jesus declares nine groups of people to be “blessed.” However, these people possess qualities, attributes and circumstances that Americans would never consider a blessing.  God sees our present circumstances differently than we do because He views things from an eternal perspective.  The circumstances that can bring hardship, suffering and turmoil now are judged against the fruit they may bring for eternal life.

The first group of people who are blessed are those who are poor in spirit. To be poor is spirit means to understand that you are spiritually bankrupt.  Most people consider themselves to be generally good people. They view themselves as having some flaws and having sinned a few times, but they think that as a whole they are good and deserve to go to heaven.  They believe this because they compare themselves not to God and His righteous standard, but to the outright evil people they see on the news.  By contrast, those who are poor in spirit recognize their own sin and acknowledge the dire consequences of it. The poor in spirit do not evaluate themselves against others, but against God’s perfect standard.  They do not believe that they deserve heaven, but the poor is spirit realize that they are utterly impoverished when it comes to their spiritual condition. Jesus says that these who are poor in spirit will inherit the kingdom of heaven.

The second group of people who are blessed are those who mourn.  They mourn for their sin and the condition in which their sin leaves them.  They do not dismiss or even glorify sin, as our culture does, but they view their sin and sinful condition soberly.  They look on their sin and their souls are moved to mourning when realizing how they sinned against a good and loving God.  Jesus states that these people who mourn will be comforted.

The first two beatitudes seem to go hand in hand. Being poor in spirit and knowing that you are spiritually bankrupt leads to mourning. The poor in spirit have the humility to know that they need a Savior, and He brings them to the kingdom of heaven.  Those who mourn will be consoled because they will cry out to King Jesus and He will comfort them.

Coming to grips with your poverty is not easy, and no one wants to mourn, but owning up to your condition now leads to the riches of eternal life.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Letters to God

A while back I read an article[1] about “letters to God” that had washed up on the beach.  About 300 people had written letters to a local minister, asking him to pray to God on their behalf. Apparently the minister had died, and the person who came to clean out his apartment found a garbage bag   full of unopened letters containing numerous prayer requests.  Many of the letters had a somber tone, asking God to forgive them for sins they committed, or for such things as interceding for relatives that were abusing drugs. Apparently when the person cleaning up the apartment found the letters, he did not want to throw them away in the trash, so he threw them in the ocean, kind of a message in a bottle idea. The tone of the original article was one of sad irony. People wrote a minister asking him to pray to God for them. The minister never read the letters, died and the prayer requests went not before God, but in the ocean.

While there is much value in asking others to intercede on our behalf, the good news is that, because of what Jesus did on the cross, we can go directly to God ourselves. “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)  Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and we were washed clean, standing before God without stain or blemish.  Believers can come confidently before God in prayer, knowing that He hears them.  God lavishes mercy and grace on those who ask for it.  We can come to God when we sin, find restoration, and also receive the power and strength to overcome sins hold on our lives.   

Another great New Testament truth is that Jesus is praying for us!  Romans 8:34 declares “It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.”  Jesus died for us, has risen from the dead, and now is in heaven at the right hand of the Father, praying for you and me.  Many people think it would be great to have a godly man like Billy Graham praying for us. The fact is that Jesus is praying for us. What an amazing and inspiring truth, God is praying for us!

Whatever your request is, whatever you have to confess, whatever need arises, you can come directly before God with your request, not only does He hear you, He is praying for you!

[1] Original Article by Wayne Parry , Associated Press, 11/03/2006 

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Ultimate Gift

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 is probably the most well-known verse of our time. It is not commonly associated with Christmas, but it is the heart of gospel and the gospel is the heart of the Christmas story. For God so loved He gave the world a gift, a gift it desperately needed.

Everyone in the world is born with a fatal condition, sin. According to the Bible, all humanity has sinned and the penalty for sin is death. Thankfully, God, in His great mercy, had a plan to redeem mankind from its fatal condition. On the very first Christmas, God showed His love by sending His Son Jesus Christ into the world to save it.  

God’s gift to the world was the ultimate gift for several reasons. First, it was the gift we needed most. We were hopeless without Christ. The Bible is clear that there is no amount of good deeds we can do to erase the sins we have already committed. Only the Son of God, who lived a sinless perfect life, could offer Himself as an acceptable payment for our sins.

Second, His gift was the ultimate gift because of its great cost. For God so loved the world that He gave what was most precious to Him, His own Son. The perfect sinless Son of God paid the ultimate price for our redemption by laying down His life. We cannot grasp the full significance of this, but we need not downplay it either. The gift was priceless. 

Next, God’s gift was the ultimate gift because of its power.  “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes,” (Romans 1:16.) Many people will say, “God can never forgive me because of what I have done.” God is able to forgive us of all sin, small or great, because the Lord’s death was the perfect sacrifice for all sin.

Finally, we must accept God’s ultimate gift. God’s gift was sending His Son Jesus Christ to save you. Through His death and resurrection anyone who calls on the name of Jesus can be saved. However, God does not force His gift upon you. You must accept it to be saved. You accept it by believing it is true. Jesus died on the cross and rose again three days later. He is alive today. Cry out to Him in faith and trust in the power of the cross. I ask you to accept God’s free gift of salvation. Mark Christmas 2012 as the time you received God’s ultimate gift and saved your soul.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Is not life more than food?

In Matthew 6 Jesus asks the rhetorical question “Is not life more than food?” (Vs. 25) The answer is yes, life is so much more than food. You will hear of people on their death bed express regret “I wish I spent more time with my family”, you will not hear of people on their death beds saying “I wish I had eaten more cheesecake.” However, so much of our lives revolve around food, and we hold so much importance to it. It seems that every holiday, birthday, social gathering, church event and vacation revolves around food. We know in our hearts that life is more than food, but at times our actions speak differently.   

Food is a necessity to sustain life and it is also a blessing that can bring happiness. However, food, like many things that God gives us as a blessing, when overindulged in can become destructive. Biblically speaking, eating is viewed as sin when we are gluttonous. “Do not mix with winebibbers, Or with gluttonous eaters of meat.”(Prov. 23.20) Food can also become an issue when the desire for food controls us. Speaking about eating and drinking, in 1 Corinthians 6 the Apostle Paul states that he will not be brought under the power of anything. There are times when we know that a certain type of food is bad for us or when we cannot exercise the self-control to not overeat that we allow food to overpower us. This is not in accordance with God’s will for us.

I do not think that diets are the answer. Counting points or cutting carbs does not address the spiritual problem.  Most diets are a brief attempt to drop 10 or 20 pounds. How much you weigh is not necessarily a spiritual problem. People who are thin and have high metabolisms can be just as gluttonous as people who are overweight. I believe the answer is found in the Lord’s question “Is not life more than food?” Many people, including myself, look to food too much as a source of joy and comfort. When stressful or difficult times occur do you run to God or to Ben and Jerry for comfort? Our problem is that we often use food to bring the joy and comfort we should get from our relationships with the Lord. The answer the Lord expects from us is, “Yes. Life is more than food. Life is about God and enjoying Him forever.” When I understand in my heart that food is a blessing from God but that I am not supposed to depend on it as my source of joy and comfort, I am less likely to overeat. When I know that God has given me the power of the Holy Spirit and I can have the self-control to not overeat, I can rely on His power to not be brought under food’s control.  

Monday, November 19, 2012

What Do You Do More Than Others?

Matthew 5:43-48

What do you do more than others? Jesus wants to know. In His sermon on the mount, Jesus instructs us to do something that goes way beyond the conventional wisdom of the world; He instructs us to love not just those who love us, but to love those who do not, those who we consider enemies. Take a second to think about the Lord’s command. Do you love your enemies? Keep in mind what Jesus is telling us to do is far more than just not hating them, but actually loving them. Biblical love is more than a feeling, it is an act. Jesus sets love in motion by telling us to bless our enemies, pray for them and do good for them (Matt 5:44).

Jesus commands point blank “I say to you, love your enemies,” (Matt 5:44). Why would Jesus require that we love our enemies? The answer is because that is what God does. Our Heavenly Father “makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good” (Matt.5:45). In His goodness and love God extends His providence to not only those who trust Him, but to those who oppose Him. God loves His enemies. To make this truth hit home, we must recognize that even those who profess faith in Christ were at one time at odds with God and were His enemies. The truth is that while we were still His enemies Christ died for the ungodly. We were the “ungodly”. So in telling us to love our enemies, Jesus is just instructing us to act in the character and nature of our Heavenly Father. I have heard objections to loving our enemies that sound like “but these people do evil” or “look at what they have done to our country”. To love our enemies does not mean that we have to agree with them or approve of what they do because God doesn’t. It means that we are to love them.  

Brothers and sisters, this is what will set us apart. This is what we do more than others. This is what will winsomely get the attention of a lost and dying world. It is not easy to love one's enemies. In fact, I would argue that it is impossible to love our enemies apart from the grace of God, but that is what makes it such a testimony of God’s power. If you think that loving your enemies is unattainable, confess that to God and pray for His grace. If you think that having any feelings of love towards a particular person is impossible, put Jesus words in practice. Bless them, pray for them, and if you have a chance to, do good for them. It is difficult to pray for someone, to ask God to bless them and do good for them and not wind up with feeling love towards them. 


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Labor of Love

Revelation 2:1-7

Jesus demands more than just that we labor but that our labor be a labor of love for Him. In Revelation 2 Jesus tells the church of Ephesus, a church that was commended by Him for their work, labor, patience, discernment and more, that if they did not repent they would cease to be His church.  Repent of what you may ask? Of their dead loveless works as Jesus told them in verse 4 “I have this against you, that you have left your first love.”  You see the church of Ephesus started strong, founded by the great Apostle Paul and even pastored at some point by the Apostle John.  However at some time in history their loving devotion turned into loveless tradition. Jesus in His grace and mercy is calling them back to what truly matters, a loving relationship with Him.

What is true of a church in Asia Minor 2000 years ago is true of many Christians today. We get saved, and at first we are just thrilled with the fact “I am my beloved’s, And my beloved is mine.” (Song 6:3) the wondrous thought that the God of the universe loves us and has given His Son to the cross to redeem us thrills our hearts and our labor flows naturally out of our joy! It seems there is something about time that robs us of our zeal. At some point there is a change and the things we used to do out of love we now do out of habit and we start going through the motions with Jesus.

Jesus will by no means tolerate a loveless bride. Can you think of a greater insult for a groom on his wedding day then to see a disinterested bride walking “ho hum” down the aisle? We insult Him when we just go through the motions. Not to mention we rob ourselves of joy.  Jesus’ exhortation to loveless Ephesus was to repent and “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; ”(Rev. 2:5.) Brothers and sisters take some time to go back and remember what it felt like when you first got saved, the joy of knowing Jesus the One and only. Let’s go back there and stay there.