Monday, January 21, 2013

Don’t be a Troublemaker

Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9

Not too long ago I found myself teasing a relative of mine about a recent quarrel they had with another relative.  My intent was not malicious; I just thought it was fun to inject some levity into the situation. While I was still speaking, the Lord brought Matthew 5:9 to my mind, “Blessed are the peacemakers.”  My conscience would not allow me to continue on with my banter.  I abruptly stopped and offered an apology.  Perhaps what I saw as just a little playfulness with my relative, may have been stirring-up some hard feelings about another person, thus making strife not peace.  

Some people go way farther than injecting a little levity into a situation. Some people delight in stirring up trouble between people. Their relationships are in shambles, and in some weird way it makes them feel better if other’s relationships are a mess as well. They thrive off of the drama that is created in these moments. If you don’t believe me watch many of those pathetic reality shows on TV (on second thought don’t).
Jesus says that the peacemakers shall be called sons of God. When a person is a peacemaker he seeks to reconcile two parties. There is nothing closer to the heart of God than reconciliation. God sent His Son to the cross so that man could be reconciled to God.  Instead of stirring up trouble between two people, we should seek to reconcile them. When you do this you are acting in harmony with the character and nature of your Heavenly Father.

The ultimate job for the peacemaker comes not between man and man, but between man and God.  The Apostle Paul considered it his high calling to have a ministry of reconciliation. He stated “ Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20  We too should be peacemakers, acting as God’s ambassador and pleading with those around us to be reconciled to Him. 

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