Saturday, December 28, 2013

2014 Bringing Anxiety?

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 (ESV)

A new year usually brings hope. However, with America’s gloomy economic climate many people aren’t encouraged by the hope of a new year but are anxious for what it may bring. A recent Gallop Poll shows Americans are worrying in increasing measure about such things as: not being able to pay the rent/mortgage, not being able to maintain their lifestyle, not being able to have enough money for retirement and not being able to pay medical costs.[1] All these things can add up to a mountain of anxiety. 

The question is how do you deal with your anxiety? People have different ways of dealing with anxiety. Some distract themselves and try not think about them. Some people drink to make them disappear, at least temporarily. Others convince themselves that they are strong enough to handle whatever is coming their way. And some people don’t deal with it at all, living in a constant state of apprehension.

The Bible has a prescription for anxiety.  The Bible’s remedy is to cast it on the Lord. The Greek word for “cast” is epirpto which simply means to throw up or place upon. However, there’s a neat picture from the one other time when this word is used in the Bible. In Luke 19 when Jesus is about to make His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a colt, Jesus’ followers cast (epirpto) the garments they were wearing on the colt for Jesus. In the same way we are to cast the anxieties we wear on the Lord. These anxieties weigh us down and are too much for us to handle. We are to cast them upon the Lord. They aren’t too much for the Lord to handle; they are nothing to the Lord.

Most people do not doubt that the Lord is powerful enough to handle their anxieties. However, they may doubt that the Lord is mindful of their situation, or that He cares for them and will intervene in their lives. Maybe the most powerful truth of this verse is the revelation that “he cares for you”! You probably already believe that He is powerful enough to handle your situation, so believe the Word of God and trust that He cares for you!

What anxieties are  plaguing you?  Cast them on the Lord! Cast them by giving them to Him in prayer. Cast them and don’t reel them back in. He cares about you and is big enough to handle whatever you’re dealing with. Cast them on Him -- believe that He will handle them and your anxiety will disappear.

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